This free blog has been converted into a poor man's web site. Read it from top to bottom, then hit the link to the bottom of each page for Older Posts, and keep repeating this as you read on to the end of it.


This web site begins with a set of photographs that accurately display the kind of a US Army photographer I was on Okinawa, assigned to the 30th Artillery Brigade missile unit; and we had nuclear warheads on some of our 'birds'. After the photo series, there is a written piece about my childhood experiences growing up in a nuclear armed world. The rest of this site tells how my assignment to the 30th Arty Bgde was illegal and immoral and what my four decade long quest to prove this has been like, also what it all has done to me and how I have been struggling to be properly helped by the Veterans Administration.

My assignment to the 30th Arty Bgde was illegal because it broke numerous Army Rules and Regulations and immoral because the photo lab I worked in had been set up in a nuclear fallout emergency decontamination chamber and that meant the chamber could not be used in the prescribed manner. Had that decontamination chamber been needed in a nuclear war, the lack of its readiness could have caused millions of casualties in America because 30th Arty Bgde personnel who needed decontamination would not have remained alive and well long enough to perform their assigned tasks in helping the rest of the US Military defend those millions of Americans from enemy attack. That military madness made a mess out of my life. It nearly destroyed me.